- Scientists believe the Earth began its life about 4.6 billion years ago. The continents probably began forming about 4.2 billion years ago as the Earth continued to cool.
- It was not until the turn of the 20th century that scientists determined that our planet is made up of four main layers
- The inner core
- The outer core
- mantle
- Crust
- The core is composed mostly of iron and is so hot that the outer core is molten, with about 10% sulphur.
- The inner core is under such extreme pressure that it remains solid.
- Most of the Earth’s mass is in the mantle, which is composed of iron, magnesium, aluminium, silicon and oxygen silicate compounds.
- At over 1000 degrees C, the mantle is solid but can deform slowly in a plastic manner.
- The crust is much thinner than any of the other layers and is composed of the least dense calcium and sodium (Na) aluminum – silicate minerals.
- Being relatively cold, the crust is rocky and brittle, so it can fracture in earthquakes.
- The crust and the upper layer of the mantle together make up a zone of rigid, brittle rock called the Lithosphere.
- The layer below the rigid lithosphere is a zone of about 50 – 100 km down, is especially soft and plastic and is called the asthenosphere.
- The asthenosphere is the part of the mantle that flows and moves the plates of the Earth.
- A heavy load on the crust like an ice cap, large glacial lake, or mountain range can bend the lithosphere down into the asthenosphere which can flow out of the way.
- The load will sink until it is supported by buoyancy.
- The crust is composed of two basic rock types granite and basalt.
- The continental crust is composed mostly of granite.
- The oceanic crust consists of a volcanic lava rock called basalt.
- Basaltic rocks of the ocean crust are much denser and heavier than the granitic rock of the continental crust. Because of this, the continents ride on the denser oceanic plates.
- The Earth’s outermost layer, the lithosphere, is broken into 7 large, rigid pieces called plates
- The African
- North American
- South American
- Eurasian
- Australian
- Antarctic
- Pacific plates
- Several minor plates also exist including the Arabian, Nazca and Philippines plates.
- These plates are all moving in different directions and at different speeds from 2 cm to 10 cm per year.
- This theory of Plate tectonics explains “how the earth works”.
- The place where the two plates meet is called a plate boundary.
- Boundaries have different names depending on how the two plates are moving in relationship to each other.
Convergent Boundary
- When two plates collide, the edge of one dives beneath the other and ends up being destroyed in the mantle.
- Places where plates crash or crunch together are called convergent boundaries.
- Plates only move a few centimetres each year, so collisions are very slow and last millions of years.
- Even though plate collisions take a long time, lots of interesting things happen.
- For example, an oceanic plate has crashed into a continental plate.
- The continental plate “front ends” bends and the edge of the continental plate has folded into a huge mountain range, while the edge of the oceanic plate has bent downward and dug deep into the Earth.
- A trench has formed at the bend. The folding and bending makes rock in both plates break and slip, causing earthquakes.
- As the edge of the oceanic plate digs into Earth’s hot interior, some of the rock in it melts.
- The melted rock rises up through the continental plate, causing more earthquakes on its way up and forming volcanic eruptions wherein finally reaches the surface.
- An example of this type of collision is found on the west coast of South America where the oceanic Nazca Plate is crashing into the continent of South America.
- The crash formed the Andes Mountains, the long string of volcanoes along the mountain crest and the deep trench off the coast in the Pacific Ocean.
- When two plates collide with each other mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes are formed.
- For example
- The Rockies in North America
- The Alps in Europe
- The Pontic Mountains in Turkey
- The Zagros Mountains in Iran
- The Himalayas in central Asia were formed by plate collisions.
- Each year, thousands of people are killed by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in those mountains.
- In 1883 an eruption of Krakatau volcano in Indonesia killed 37,000 people.
- In 1983 an eruption caused mudslide in Columbia killed 25,000 people.
- In 1976, an earthquake in Tangshan, China killed an astounding 750,000 people.
Divergent boundary
- Places, where plates are coming apart, are called divergent boundaries.
- Earth’s lithosphere is pulled apart it breaks along parallel faults.
- The block between the faults cracks and drops down into the soft, the asthenosphere.
- The sinking of the block forms a central valley called a rift.
- Magma seeps upward to fill the cracks. In this way, new crust is formed along the boundary.
- Earthquakes occur along with the faults and volcanoes form where the magma reaches the surface. Divergence can occur on the continent and as well as on the oceanic floor.
- Divergence on the continent causes rift valleys and are 30 to 50 kilometres wide.
- Examples include the East Africa rift in Kenya and Ethiopia and the Rio Grande rift in New Mexico.
- Divergence across the ocean floor causes rift valleys with only a kilometre or less wide.
- Divergence along the Mid Atlantic ridge causes the Atlantic Ocean to widen at about 2 centimetres per year.
- Most of the world’s active volcanoes are located along or near the boundaries between shifting plates. Such volcanoes are called plate boundary volcanoes.
- The peripheral areas of the Pacific Ocean Basin, containing the boundaries of several plates are dotted with many active volcanoes that form the so-called Ring of Fire.
- The Ring provides excellent examples of the plate – boundary volcanoes including Mount St. Helens.
- Geographically these tectonic plates are grouped as seven continents and five oceans.
The Continents and its features
- A continent is defined as a large unbroken land mass completely surrounded by water, although in some cases continents are connected by land bridges.
- The seven continents are
- Asia,
- African
- North America
- South America
- Antarctica
- Europe
- Australia
- The island groups in the Pacific are often called Oceania.
- These continents occupies nearly 29% of the Earth’s total area.
- Mountains, Plateaus and plains are significant features of those continents.
- A mountain is a landmass that stands significantly above its surrounding.
- The majority of mountains are created when tectonic plates collide, causing folding and uplifting of rocks along the plate boundaries.
- The uplifted land is then eroded into peaks and valleys.
- A plateau is another feature of the Earth’s surface.
- They are broad uplands that rise abruptly from the surrounding area.
- The majority of them are created when tectonic plates pulled, causing faulting and slipping down of rocks along the plate boundaries.
- Tibet, the highest plateau of the world, Colorado plateau, Decan Plateau, and East African Plateau are noteworthy.
- A plain is a vast, low-lying area of the continents. They are formed in different ways.
- Plains made through the actions of rivers are called alluvial plains
- The Ganges and the Brahmaputra are the largest river plains in the world.
- The plains made through wind sedimentation are called loess.
- The plain formed where the Yellow River flows in China is loess.
- The plains formed through the actions of waves are called coastal plains.
- The eastern coastal plain of India is a good example.
- Mountains, plateaus and plains are all part of the lithosphere and they are made up of many types of rocks. Some rocks are white and some others are black.
- A few rocks are brittle and others are hard; some are like sand, are permeable, others, such as clay are non-permeable.
- Rocks are composed of many minerals such as silica, aluminum, iron and magnesium.
- The nature of the rock is determined by the presence of its minerals.
- Rocks can be classified into three types based on their formation.
- Igneous rocks
- Sedimentary rocks
- Metamorphic rocks
Igneous rocks
- The earth is about 4,600 million years old.
- The oldest rocks that have been found were created by volcanic eruptions over hundreds of millions of years.
- These rocks are still made every time a volcano erupts.
- These rocks are formed from molten rock that has slowly cooled underground or erupted to the surface of the earth through a volcano.
- While molten rock is underground, it is called magma.
- Molten rock that has erupted from a volcano, by contrast, is called lava.
- These rocks are usually very hard. Igneous rocks have crystals.
- The size of these crystals may depend on how quickly the molten rock has cooled.
- If it cooled slowly, the crystals are large; if it cooled quickly, they are small. Today igneous rocks represent 95 per cent of the Earth’s crust.
Sedimentary rocks
- Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation and cementation of mud, silt, or sand derived from weathered igneous rock fragments.
- Sedimentary rocks represent less than 5 per cent of the Earth’s crust but 75 per cent of the Earth’s land surface.
Metamorphic rocks
- Metamorphic rocks are igneous or sedimentary rocks that have been altered by heat and / or pressure either because they have been buried and folded deep in the crust or because they have come into contact with molten igneous rock.
- Metamorphism can result in the formation of completely new minerals.
- It can also destroy original structures such as sedimentary layering or fossils.
- Intense pressure causes the realignment of minerals, forming new layers.
- About one per cent of rocks in the crust are metamorphic.
- In a Rock Cycle, weathering is the first step for a number geomorphic and biogeochemical processes and is fundamental to many other aspects of the hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.
The Rock Cycle
- The rocks of the Earth’s crust are constantly being created, worn down and redeposited in a slow cycle. The rock cycle beings with the weathering of igneous rocks.
- The Rock Cycle is a group of changes.
- Igneous rock can change into sedimentary rock or into metamorphic rock.
- Sedimentary rock can change into metamorphic rock or into igneous rock.
- Metamorphic rock can change into igneous or sedimentary rock.
- Igneous rock forms when magma cools and makes crystals. Magma is a hot liquid made for melted minerals.
- The minerals can form crystals when they cool. Igneous rock can form underground, where the magma cools slowly. Or, igneous rock can form above ground, where the magma cools quickly.
- Weathering is the breakdown and alteration of rocks and minerals at or near the Earth’s surface into products that are more in equilibrium with the conditions found in that environment.
- Most rocks and minerals are formed deep within the Earth’s crust where temperatures and pressures differ greatly from the surface.
- The physical and chemical nature of materials formed in the Earth’s interior is characteristically in disequilibrium with conditions occurring on the surface.
- This disequilibrium, these materials are easily attacked, decomposed, and eroded by various chemicals and physical surface processes.
- The products of weathering are a major source of sediments for erosion and deposition.
- Many types of sedimentary rocks are composed of particles that have been weathered, eroded, transported and terminally deposited in basins.
- “Weathering also contributes to the formation of soil by providing mineral particles like sand, silt, and clay.
- Elements and compounds extracted from the rocks and minerals by weathering processes supply nutrients for plant uptake.
Products of Weathering
- The process of weathering can result in the following three outcomes on rocks and minerals:
- The complete loss of particular atoms or compounds from the weathered surface.
- The addition of specific atoms or compounds to the weathered surface.
- A breakdown of one mass into two or more masses, with no chemical change in the mineral or rock.
- The residue of weathering consists of chemically altered and unaltered materials.
- The most common unaltered residue is quartz.
- Many of the chemically altered products of weathering become very simple small compounds or nutrient ions.
- These residues can then be dissolved or transported by water, released to the atmosphere as gas or taken up by plants for nutrition.
- Some of the products of weathering, less resistant alumino-silicate minerals, become clay particles. Other altered materials are reconstituted by sedimentary or metamorphic processes to become new rocks and minerals.
- These rocks may have gone through several cycles and may have undergone metamorphism or sedimentation before they finally became soil.
- It takes a hundred years to form one centimetre of soil from the weathering of rocks. In a few places, this soil is only a few centimetres deep; in other places, it is 20 to 30 centimetres in depth.
- Soils are the unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants.
- Soil particles are generally classified according to size; that is,
- Sand as large particles
- Silt as medium
- Clay as fine
- Particles larger than sand are classified as gravel
- Are large enough to be identified as an individual rock.
- Soil is essential for fixing the roots of plants and also provides the necessary nutrients, suitable temperature, and moisture for its growth.
- Soil maintains its fertility with the remains of decayed plants and animals.
- The growth of plants depends on the fertility of the soil. All living organisms depend on these plants. But human interference makes the soil infertile.
- If this continues, ultimately it will affect the “soil-plant-organism” links and create negative impacts in the rock cycle.
- To enrich the soil, humans add natural and chemical fertilizers.
- Chemical fertilizers usually damage soil, partially because they eradicate the natural microorganisms.
- Essentially, all life depends upon the soil.
- There can be no life without soil and no soil without life; they have evolved together.
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