Rojer Mathew vs. South Indian Bank Ltd. (Civil Appeal No. 8588/2019)


Rojer Mathew vs. South Indian Bank Ltd. (Civil Appeal No. 8588/2019)

Judgment delivered by Supreme Court on 13.11.2019

The nutshell of the case:
“Strikes down rules framed by centre under section 184 Finance Act 2017 For Tribunals; Aadhar-Money Bill question referred.”

Facts:  Upheld the constitutional validity of Section 184 of the Finance Act 2017, which empowers the Central Government to frame rules relating to appointment and service conditions of members of various tribunals. At the same time, the five judges bench struck down the Rules already framed by the Central Government under Section 184 and directed the formulation of new rules.

The Constitution Bench also doubted the correctness of 2018 decision which treated Aadhaar Act as ‘money bill’ and referred the point to larger bench.

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